"The only church that illuminates
is a burning church"
As a result of his fragmented psychic state, the symbolically illiterate man is less able to resist the propaganda of the hidden dictators who control the world. He is vulnerable and perpetually victimized by overlords who manipulate his beliefs and allegiances. As time goes by, he becomes completely dependent on his masters, and will do and think whatever keeps him in subconscious rapport with them. If maintaining the status quo means loss of individuality, it is a sacrifice he makes. Modern man has just enough freedom to entrap himself, enough will to enslave himself, and enough understanding to choose ignorance.
The creative intelligence, from which modern man is divorced, can be likened to a great river upon which floats the fragile boat of ego-consciousness. The great river - or Imperial Self - has its own mysterious flow and course. It has its own enigmatic voice which speaks to each person in a unique manner. The voice man harkens to and takes for a guide is merely the voice of his ego or pseudo-self. Modern man's failure to attune to his inner voice ensures he lives inauthentically. He endures a life full of competitiveness, envy, guilt, sorrow, loss and waste. Clinging to socially-vetted roles and plethora of ready-made escapes from the roles, man falls victim to what Alexis de Tocqueville referred to as the “tyranny of the masses.” Image-starved, he seeks to alleviate his systemic impoverishment in a compulsive manner, hence his addiction to television, video games, sports, pornography, advertisements, drugs, and all manner of virtual realities. However, these are temporary panaceas. They do not empower spiritually or lead to wisdom.
DAVID MLLR - 2016 Lucern Switzerland. |
"God has placed at every man’s side a guardian,
the Daemon of each man, who ischarged to watch over him; a Daemon
that cannot sleep, nor be deceived. What greater and more watchful
guardian could have been committed to us?
So, when you have shut the doors, and made darkness in the house,
remember, never to say that you are alone; for you are not alone.
But God is there, and your Daemon is there"
- Epictetus
"ou shalt not make for yourself a graven image,
or any likeness of anything that is in heaven
above, or that is in the earth beneath,
or that is under the water of the earth"
- (Exodus 20:4)
It has recently been discovered that the human brain contains over 240,000 neural threads, enough to stretch from the earth to the moon. On each micrometer of these threads data is stored as pictograms or composite images, not words.
"…According to the Ten Commandments,
art, therefore, is more dangerous than murder"
- Leonard Shlain (The Alphabet Versus the Goddess)
"Jewish law forbids the making of
any graven images of the kind.
Even the Jews of the present time will
not permit any sculptured figures
to be set up as monuments"
- James Hewitt Brown (Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?
- Epicurus
"Al llegar a la época de la banda de asaltantes había elaborado ya las siguientes
1.° Dios no existe.
2.° Dios existe y es un canalla.
3.° Dios existe, pero a veces duerme: sus pesadillas son nuestra existencia.
4.° Dios existe, pero tiene accesos de locura: esos accesos son nuestra
5.° Dios no es omnipresente, no puede estar en todas partes. A veces está
ausente ¿en otros mundos? ¿En otras cosas?
6.° Dios es un pobre diablo, con un problema demasiado complicado para
sus fuerzas. Lucha con la materia como un artista con su obra. Algunas veces,
en algún momento logra ser Goya, pero generalmente es un desastre.
7.° Dios fue derrotado antes de la Historia por el Príncipe de las Tinieblas.
Y derrotado, convertido en presunto diablo, es doblemente desprestigiado,
puesto que se le atribuye este universo calamitoso."
1.° Dios no existe.
2.° Dios existe y es un canalla.
3.° Dios existe, pero a veces duerme: sus pesadillas son nuestra existencia.
4.° Dios existe, pero tiene accesos de locura: esos accesos son nuestra
5.° Dios no es omnipresente, no puede estar en todas partes. A veces está
ausente ¿en otros mundos? ¿En otras cosas?
6.° Dios es un pobre diablo, con un problema demasiado complicado para
sus fuerzas. Lucha con la materia como un artista con su obra. Algunas veces,
en algún momento logra ser Goya, pero generalmente es un desastre.
7.° Dios fue derrotado antes de la Historia por el Príncipe de las Tinieblas.
Y derrotado, convertido en presunto diablo, es doblemente desprestigiado,
puesto que se le atribuye este universo calamitoso."
- DE HEROES Y TUMBAS. Ernesto Sabato,